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March 4, 2014 / multiplesclerosis1209

I Hate Surprises

I’m 10 weeks pregnant today, still sick with a cold/sore throat/cough and now unemployed.  I’ve written before about how psycho my boss is but I had no idea she could go to this level: she fired me.  I don’t want to go into all the details, but it was bullshit.  Every single person who knows s the story thinks it’s bullshit, not just me.  I’ve been an extremely loyal employee for two and a half years and at the first sign of anything less than perfect, she fired me.  She knows I’m pregnant and she knows I have MS yet she still found it totally acceptable to fire me instead of any other option.  As if job hunting isn’t stressful enough just having MS, now I have to job hunt knowing that I am going to be taking at least a couple months off work in just a few short months.  Who wants to hire a pregnant chick?  I also have more physical limitations that ever before.  What sort of job am I going to be able to get that pays well enough and that I can handle that can get me through all of this??
For the first time in several years, I feel like a cripple again.  I’m trying to focus on the positive but there just aren’t a lot of job options out there that I see that I could handle.  Thank you, Boss Lady, for being the biggest asshole I’ve ever known in my entire life.

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